Here is a collection of hunter s. thompson media. It includes an audio version of Songs of the Doomed (see synopsis below) and his lecture at boulder university which is a very good listen. Also, their are a few hunter comics, some random pictures and photos and a few of his best articles.

From Wikipedia:
Songs of the Doomed: More Notes on the Death of the American Dream' is a book by the American writer and journalist Hunter S. Thompson, originally published in 1990. This third installment of the Gonzo Papers is a chronologically arranged selection of stories, letters, journals and reporting, allowing readers to see how Thompson's brand of "new journalism" has evolved over the years. It is a collection of Dr. Thompson's essays and articles. This collection is mostly made up of pieces from the Reagan era, but there are also some older stories, including excerpts from his unfinished first novel, Prince Jellyfish and The Rum Diary, which was not published on its own until 1998.


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